
Серия добавлена 19.06.2020

Professor David Blood has banned Rich from visiting Grace in hospital and Rich is suffering. Alo tries to keep him out of trouble with a band practice, but Rich is committed to his love and he stands outside the hospital waiting for Grace's call. Eventually the call comes and Rich finds a way past security and breaks into Grace's room. The lovers are reunited, but they have a problem as Blood is moving Grace to another hospital in Zurich. Alo has other things on his mind and cracks begin to develop in the boys' friendship. It falls to Liv to bring the fractured group back together again.

Внимание! Реклама в плеере не зависит от нас, мы не можем на неё никак повлиять, все материалы используются из публичных источников, мы работаем над тем, чтобы рекламы было как можно меньше!

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